F*ck You Landlord
Get your rental deposit back.
Our first user
got her deposit back
in 10 minutes.
She celebrated by jumping
in the sea.
In 3 steps,
it's easy money.
1. Tell us
We'll ask you 3 questions to get us started on working for you. We're great listeners.
2. We'll design a
We'll design a message to give your landlord something to think about.
3. Send it to your
Usually, you'll get your deposit back after this. If not, we'll repeat step 2 and 3 until you do.
We charge 1%,
only if we win.
If your deposit is £1000, we'll charge £10.
We only win when you do.
We're in your corner.
Built by a London student
who's tired of this
nonsense.I said 'f*ck you!' to my landlord.
Now you can too.
© Fuck You Landlord. All rights reserved.